No burden is heavier to bear than the burden of a false idea.
A philosophy must be livable; it can't just be ideas.
With my designs and my ideas, I want to please myself first.
I wanted more in depth ideas about the character and it never came.
I feel my family's needs are a priority. I'm not comfortable with the idea of serving the many and ignoring my family.
The biggest barrier to starting a company isn't ideas, funding or experience. It's excuses.
I started skydiving because I loved the idea of freedom.
You have to dance unencumbered. There's no other way to move. The idea of dance is freedom. It is not exclusiveness, it's inclusiveness.
'Fall on Your Knees' is really a story about secrets and family, and the idea that there are some stories or truths that need to be expressed.
The idea that there is a family somewhere who functions is an odd concept.
My idea of beauty is somebody that doesn't have to try too much, someone who is effortless and fresh.
It's cool to have instruments lying around because they give you different ideas.
The idea of recognising your strengths and using them in as versatile a way as you can is cool to me.
But live shows are cool. I just got back into the idea of enjoying it live.
A powerful idea communicates some of its strength to him who challenges it.
In science the important thing is to modify and change one's ideas as science advances.
We are all ill: but even a universal sickness implies an idea of health.
My idea of a vacation is staying home and doing short day hikes, floating the river and things like that.
Home is, I suppose just a child's idea. A house at night, and a lamp in the house. A place to feel safe.
I've always resisted the idea of becoming a David Hasselhoff, and I hope I'm still resisting it.
If there is an abiding theme in 'The Pursuit of Happiness,' it is the idea that you come into the world already shaped by other people's past histories.