I was never a girl who dreamed about what her wedding day would be like, but I've always dreamed about decorating my baby's nursery.
People ask if my parents are hippies, but they're actually very conservative. A girl called Rebel sang at their wedding, and that's where my name came from.
I have nothing against people having work done, it is when I hear tale of girls of 16 queuing up to get bigger breasts, that is when I despair.
I work on my body to stay fit, but that does not make me superior to anyone. I am a forthright and hardworking girl.
I thought that I'd never be able to work in films or TV. Another girl would be cutting her nose to be an actress. I was always very sure about myself.
People have this conception of plus size models as girls who aren't fit or don't work out or don't really take care of their bodies.
If I had to give a definition of capitalism I would say: the process whereby American girls turn into American women.
Even when I wasn't overweight I was never one of those girls or women who wanted to look nice. I always thought it wasn't important.
In high school I had sex with girls quite a few times. They were straight women who I convinced to jump in the sack with me.
As you know, all women at all ages do not feel their ages anymore. The young girl feels older, and the older woman feels younger.
Because women and girls are not valued equally as human beings, they are treated as less than such. Female genital mutilation is one example of this that has to be stopped.
Good. Show me a man who thinks that he knows what 'good' is, and I will probably be able to show you a horror of a person. Show me a person who really knows what 'good' is, and I will show you that he almost never uses the word.
watched as they flashed clips of people dancing, bartenders fixing whatever drink was en vogue, and a montage of interviews with delighted patrons. Maybe I really should try going out, it looks like fun... but drunk people always look like they're ha...
My good fortune is not that I've recovered from mental illness. I have not, nor will I ever. My good fortune lies in having found my life.
The good guy yang tahu jalan pikiran di otak the bad guy jelas lebih responsif dalam mengantisipasi tindakan the bad guy. Berbeda dengan the good guy yang clueless sama sekali tentang dunia the bad guy.
All good people agree, And all good people say, All nice people, like Us, are We And every one else is They: But if you cross over the sea, Instead of over the way, You may end by (think of it!) looking on We As only a sort of They!
Then turn your eyes back on me, and tell me that Cathy and I are still children to be treated with condescension, and are incapable of understanding adult subjects. We haven't remained idle, twiddling our thumbs while you were off having a good time.
Scriptures exhorted men to shun evil and become good—which seems to be an impossible task—since as soon as we try to add goodness in us, evil too gets added in us without our effort—almost automatically.
If we only have great companies, we will merely have a prosperous society, not a great one. Economic growth and power are the means, not the definition, of a great nation.
Why am I not good enough? At least he loves Darren and Yaicha in some way even if it's horrible, he shows them attention and I am furniture I get nothing nothing nothing no thing
So many times we have told ourselves that we are not good enough. So many times the world has told us too. It is in those times that we must find ourselves and do the best we can. You and I today, let’s prove the world wrong.