Spirituality is deeply personal. Yet, society has to face the fact that certain faiths celebrate spirituality through an overt expression of inner convictions.
Love in capital letters is important. It is impossible to live without love. You must have the feeling of being loved. All artists need love - from the audience, friends and relatives. But true and faithful friends are exceptionally rare.
So many commands in the Bible require obedience without us experiencing any conviction to obey them. That is when our faith is truly tested.
It isn't for the moment you are struck that you need courage, but for that long uphill climb back to sanity and faith and security.
When you put fear behind the wheel, you're bound to crash, but when you drive in faith the ride will be rough, but preceding into a journey of your lifetime.
Love is the very art of living, and we are a masterpiece of God. Or so I would like to believe and faith has never failed me.
Faith is the first step towards building the self-belief that someone, an invisible and invincible power, is taking care of everyone, everywhere all the time.
It's frightening to think that you might not know something, but more frightening to think that, by and large, the world is run by people who have faith that they know exactly what is going on.
The key to sauces is having patience. I'm not a patient woman, but I learned with sauces that you have to get everything on a slow roll and layer the flavors. That's where you get robust tastes: it starts one way and ends another.
I prayed to God from the bottom of my heart that this day would never come, but it has and we have to face it with courage and faith.
If you truly love someone, have the faith to 'let them go.' Encourage them to be the fullest measure of themselves, and you will be overwhelmed by the love that your spouse returns to you.
Today is the day to stop, look around, realize where you are in relation to where you want to be, change direction if needed and move forward with faith in God and in yourself.
The paradox in Christian truth is invariably due to the fact that it is the truth that exists for God. The standard of measure and the end is superhuman; and there is only one relationship possible: faith.
Dream is like a Art. Faith is like a Color. Failure is like a Water. If u drop a water on a art,it will affect the art not the color. Never lose it.
Come on get higher, Loosen my lips ... Faith and desire and the swing of your hips Just pull me down hard, and drown me in love ..
It is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the "goyim" the very principle of god-head and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs
A society that believes in nothing can offer no argument even against death. A culture that has lost its faith in life cannot comprehend why it should be endured.
Trials are a part of life, but there is value in sometimes experiencing adversity which will test (and so strengthen) our faith and also build an understanding of God and ourselves.
Absolute faith rules out the element of trying, by igniting the element of faithfully doing, that which your vision or dream has inspired you to do.
Never was a faithful prayer lost. Some prayers have a longer voyage than others, but then they return with their richer lading at last, so that the praying soul is a gainer by waiting for an answer.
This being so, it follows that mythology ought not to take the prominent place that is too often assigned to it in the scientific study of ancient faiths.