A ragged colt may make a good horse.
Anticipate the good so that you may enjoy it.
A clear conscience is a good pillow.
Always something new, seldom something good.
Better a good hanging than a bad marriage.
Women prefer to be beautiful rather than good.
A good bird begins chirping while in the egg.
Old wine is good for the stomach.
Goodness reaches further than badness.
It is the good horse that draws its own cart.
It is a good answer which knows when to stop.
Every meeting is the beginning of a good-bye.
Good medicine often has a bitter taste.
Look for the good, not the evil, in the conduct of members of the family.
At the harvest you know how good the millet is.
Having a good discussion is like having riches.
You won't see a good drunk in a teahouse.
God grant me a good sword and no use for it.
No one is a good judge of his own case.
A good bee will not go to a drooping flower.
Acorns were good till bread was found.