Good news is, we're annoying him. Bad news is, we're all going to die painfully.
Good things happen to those who wait. It's the waiting that takes the longest.
The text contains no literary criticism. I wanted to describe books, not to be clever at their expense.
In the winter she curls up around a good book and dreams away the cold.
Have you ever noticed how good things go to those who hate?
Don't decide yet," Hephaestus advised. "Wait until daybreak. Daybreak is a good time for decisions.
Beauty discrimination has become necessary, not from the perception that women will not be good enough, but that they will be, as they have been, twice as good.
As far as I'm concerned the last good man went when Elvis died.
Guarding knowledge is not a good way to understand. Understanding means to throw away your knowledge.
You can't just walk away when you see a good book but to buy and own it.
At the sight of a good book, you just can't walk away but to claim and read it.
Focus on good thoughts. Focus on wonderful moments. Focus on beautiful places.
My body, my soul and my mind, simultaneously response to good music.
Good news didn't seem real until you'd told at least a dozen friends.
A good tracker is interpreting all the time, from every little sign, you know? Not just interpreting the age of the tracks but also: Is it wounded? Is it hungry? A good tracker is interpreting a lot.
Songs don't wear out. Good songs are good now. If they were a comfort during those hard times in the past, they'll be a comfort in today's age.
Elephants can live to an age of up to 70 or 80 years and they have a good memory. It could be they come across an area that is experiencing a drought. Then they continue on their path and run into people.
A man is born alone and dies alone; and he experiences the good and bad consequences of his karma alone; and he goes alone to hell or the Supreme abode.
Here in Cameroon, football is our leading political party. It's football alone that that unites us, it's football alone that brings us good things - football is the window into our country - so we don't mess around with it.
If we read the Bible asking first, 'What would Jesus do?' instead of asking 'What has Jesus done,' we'll miss the good news that alone can set us free.
The facilities are amazing here in McLaren. If you compare them to Sauber, who have good facilities in Formula 1, it's another level. But in terms of the people, the way they approach their jobs, is really amazing when you come into McLaren. The emph...