What is good for the buffalo is good for the cow.
Even harsh karma, when faced in wisdom, can be the greatest catalyst for spiritual unfoldment. Performing daily sādhana, keeping good company, pilgrimaging to holy places, seeing to others’ needs—these evoke the higher energies, direct the min...
See now, for a good blade, one that will not betray the man in battle, rods of hard and soft iron must be heated and braided together. Then is the blade folded over and hammered flat again, and maybe yet again, many times for the finest blades... So ...
An all-powerful and sovereign Creator, who wants to have an intimate relationship with His creation, loves mankind beyond measure. God did not create the human race out of boredom or on a whim. No, He made us for His good pleasure and great delight. ...
Sim Carstairs: Ten year I been ferryin' Kansas Redlegs, Union cavalry, Missouri guerillas... you name it. Mad dogs them guerillas. You look sideways at 'em... [snaps a rope like a noose] Sim Carstairs: they kill ya. Carpetbagger: Sound like hard men ...
I don't know what your Company is feeling as of today about the work of Dr. on benzol [benzene] poisoning. I know that back in the old days some of your boys used to think that she was a plain nuisance and just picking on you for luck. But I have a h...
I don't believe that if you do good, good things will happen. Everything is completely accidental and random. Sometimes bad things happen to very good people and sometimes good things happen to bad people. But at least if you try to do good things, t...
Misery, after all, loves company.
I think that a lot of companies are still amazingly price sensitive.
If you are lonely when you are alone, you are in poor company.
Misery loved company, but damnation needed it.
Silicon Valley is the best place to start a tech company in so many ways.
Collective management will build companies - not top-down decision-making.
If you're the CEO of a publicly traded company, you're worried about quarterly returns.
The record company stay out of my way. Whenever the record is finished, they take it.
Relatively few people should start companies.
A small company like Nichia should do niche products.
I'm a hard-nosed businessman, that if a company is paying its way, increasing profits for thirty-odd consecutive years, you don't put it into receivership.
If I wasn't an actress I would run a fortune 500 company.
A man is known by the company his mind keeps.
My company created a platform called Modlife, this prepackaged website that runs an artist's website.