General Allenby: I'm promoting you Major. T.E. Lawrence: I don't think that's a very good idea.
Lawrence of ArabiaPita: There are some good things in this world. Creasy: Oh yeah, like what? Pita: Like meeting me.
Man on Fire[Harry Cooper sees the zombies eating the flesh of the late Tommy and Judy] Harry Cooper: Good Lord!
Night of the Living Dead[last lines] Vincent: I think we should be leaving now. Jules: Yeah, that's probably a good idea.
Pulp FictionPatrick: You know, I used to be popular before Sam got me some good music.
The Perks of Being a WallflowerBlanche DuBois: I know I fib a good deal. After all, a woman's charm is 50% illusion.
A Streetcar Named DesireR.F. Simpson: Lina, you were gorgeous! Cosmo Brown: Yeah, Lina, you looked pretty good for a girl.
Singin' in the RainDEA Agent: Javier, you should feel good about this. Javier Rodriguez: I feel like a traitor.
TrafficViv Savage: [when asked by Marty if he has a creed he lives by] Have... a good time... all the time.
This Is Spinal Tap