Better a good conscience without wisdom than wisdom without a good conscience.
I hate a jovial table companion with a good memory.
If you commence a good action, leave it not incomplete.
Try to be in good company, even when you are alone.
Good company on the road is the shortest of short cuts.
A good reputation is better than a golden girdle.
All things are becoming to good people.
A good friend is often better than a brother.
Money will buy you everything but good sense.
Forgiveness makes you feel better. As soon as you forgive, you're free.
A totally blind process can by definition lead to anything; it can even lead to vision itself.
As long as you're alive, there's always a chance things will get better.
Damn, there goes my chance for some hot sexy talk.
Love is for the living, for people who have a stake in the future.
No matter how bleak, there is still chance of love in hatred but none in indifference
Give me another Chance Then, You will Get Less than I Gain...
Increasingly, staying in the middle class - let alone aspiring to become middle class - is becoming a game of chance.
Life is too precious to be left to chance
It was over before I even had a chance.
It’s a number.” “It’s not,” she said. “It’s a chance to wake up new.
The feeling of freedom, driving into scenery as green and lush as a postcard of Ireland was close to bliss.