Reading centers on finding yourself in a book. -- Sherman Alexie
Everything I Need to Know I Learned from a Children's BookOh, dear--did I forget to mention that you can, indeed, have it all, but you need a lot of help!
The End of Your Life Book ClubYou can only do what you can, and what doesn't get done, just doesn't get done.
The End of Your Life Book ClubIf I'd waited until I was well rested to read, I never would have read anything.
The End of Your Life Book ClubI've learned far too much to know everything.
Everyone Agrees: Book I: Words, Ideas, and a Universal MoralityCaptive Greece took captive her savage conquerer and brought the arts to rustic Latium
Epistles Book II and Epistle to the PisonesPaco, we are all so much more than our faults, aren’t we?
First Kiss: The Widow Darcy Journals, Book 1You destruct the attention the world gives you when you mistrust your own ability
The Great Hand Book of QuotesYou have authority in your mouth, hence don't need to be afraid; but rather positively affirm!
The Great Hand Book of QuotesTwo main definitions of a true leader; His presence is noticed and his absence is felt...!
The Great Hand Book of Quotes