Live for the present, as the past has gone and the future as yet to arrive.
Enjoy the rainbow while it lasts and don't chase it when it's gone.
It's tough to know the value of water until it's gone.
With half the race gone, there is half the race still to go.
No one in my family had ever even gone to college.
I would have gone home to my mother, but I'm not that crazy about my mother.
I'd never gone as a kid to an ice rink. There was always that fear that I'd break my leg and it would affect my career.
Faith, sir, we are here today, and gone tomorrow.
God is gone up on high with a triumphant noise.
I've gone through my whole life caring deeply what people think of me.
Barry Manilow has gone from being the love of my life to being a friend for life.
I've slowly gone back, later on in life, to fish and then chicken and then, last year, red meat.
When house and land are gone and spent, then learning is most excellent.
The moral is that a career can be gone in an instant. And all you have in this world are the people you love.
The wound never heals until the grudge is completely gone.
I've gone from being bullied by jocks as a kid to being bullied by nerds as an adult.
When the glory is gone, destiny is mortgaged on the altar of struggle
When the love is gone, tears means nothing.
I've gone on the wagon, but my body doesn't believe it.
All the white meat is gone. There's nothin' but necks on the platter.
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