Even I recognize that I'm not being a proper role model right now. But I need you to understand. As your mother, it's my duty to protect you from the evil intentions of whoever did this...and I'll become a demon if I have to. That's all there is to i...
Remember the Golden Rule? "Treat people as you would like to be treated." The best managers break the Golden Rule every day. They would say don't treat people as you would like to be treated. This presupposes that everyone breathes the same psycholog...
Obadiah Stane: [to Stark] When I ordered the hit on you, I was worried that I was killing the golden goose. But, you see, it was just fate that you survived it, leaving one last golden egg to give. You really think that just because you have an idea,...
I've been a golden boy for too long.
Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.
Silence is golden when you can't think of a good answer.
We're all golden sunflowers inside.
A golden cage is still just a cage.
Slaves do not have the bravery of free men.
Liars make the best promises.
A jealous husband is an ugly thing.
Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.
Every director bites the hand that lays the golden egg.
Bob Saget is the bear from the Golden Crisp box.
Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.
Gold all is not that doth golden seem.
If he wants their labor, let them go to work, without regard to politics.
Some guys are worth breaking the rules for.
My eyes are usually described as golden... and luminous.
Silence is golden...but in times of tyranny it is blood red
The Golden Girls certainly proved that there was a large audience for a show about older women.