An opportunity, no matter how small it is, is still worth a golden chance. So take it or have regrets for the rest of your life.
I went to a Canadian college for performing arts and then I auditioned for Canadian Idol. That honestly was my golden ticket.
Whoever cultivates the golden mean avoids both the poverty of a hovel and the envy of a palace.
I don't remember, at 19, someone giving me a golden key and saying, 'Welcome to Hollywood; which job would you like?'
I have my golden retriever now, Pontiac. He's a career-change guide dog from Guide Dogs for the Blind.
Lovers of literature will look for the remains of the golden treasure in that shipwreck on the bottom of the sea of criticism.
See the golden beach sands and blue sky in a cool breeze my mind flys high
I am a very spiritual person and love travelling to religious places. I go to the Golden Temple, Tirupati Balaji and Vaishno Devi every year.
I'm a natural golden retriever at heart. I'm fine with that now, but there was a time when I tried to keep myself from jumping up on people. I had to make myself sit.
While there used to be one or two Pops orchestras, now there are all kinds of European orchestras that suddenly look upon this as a golden wand that can enable them to make money recording this music.
The Rose: Girls! We shall sing "Golden Afternoon". That's about all of us.
The golden thread of reason that used to be stretched taut to mark the boundary between the known and the unknown is now routinely disrespected.
Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.
You meet me after school right here", I said. "Why?" he asked. I couldn't believe he was so stupid. "Because we're going to finish this fight." "You're crazy," Roger said. He got to his feet and walked away. His gang stared at me like I was a serail ...
It argued a special genius; he was clearly a case of that. The spark of fire, the point of light, sat somewhere in his inward vagueness as a lamp before a shrine twinkles in the dark perspective of a church; and while youth and early middle-age, whil...
How is Angeline?" asked Dimitri. "Is she improving?" Eddie and I exchanged glances. So much for avoiding her indiscretions. "improving how exactly?" I asked. "Improving how exactly?" I asked. "In combat, in following the dress code, or in keeping her...
In 's ... it was in that novel that, for the first time, I learned Neptune had a satellite named Triton... It was from that I first learned there was a Mato Grosso area in the Amazon basin. It was from and other stories by that I first heard of relat...
I'll be looking for you, Will, every moment, every single moment. And when we do find each other again, we'll cling together so tight that nothing and no one'll ever tear us apart. Every atom of me and every atom of you... We'll live in birds and flo...
We already have the Wooden Pillar, the Steel Pillar and the Plastic Pillar. In a moment we will have the Golden Bail....' No, you won't.' We will,' stated the robot simply. No, you won't. It makes my ship work.' In a moment,' repeated the robot patie...
[it] isn't something you just get over. You don't go back to being who you were. It's more like a snow globe. War shakes you up, and suddenly all those pieces of your life - muscles, bones, thoughts, beliefs, relationships, even your dreams - are flo...
for PEOPLE to rule themselves in a REPUBLIC , they must have virtue;for a TYRANT to rule in a TYRANNY ,he must use FEAR.