One cannot comprehend Him through reason, even if one reasoned for ages.
We of this age have discovered a shorter, and more prudent method to become scholars and wits, without the fatigue of reading or of thinking.
Foreign capital to build new cinemas will help modernize China's aging cinema infrastructure, attract Chinese consumers back into cinemas, and increase demand for U.S. films.
Improving intelligence is possible, but it is more likely to occur if children are given the right experiences at the right ages.
I've played a lot of younger, more coming-of-age roles as well as roles that aren't such an imposing physical presence.
I am optimistic. But I also know that, with time, I'm beginning to fight issues of aging as well as long-term paralysis.
Aging gracefully is supposed to mean trying not to hide time passing and just looking a wreck. Don't worry girls, look like a wreck, that's the way it goes.
My favorite time to dance is at, like, wedding receptions, when it's all ages and everyone seems to be having fun.
Almost 70 percent of U.S. ag exports travel the upper Mississippi River and the Illinois waterway system.
Don Altobello: I must accept my age, and grow my olives and tomatoes.
Manfred: Diego, spit that out. You don't know where it's been.
Manfred: [to the baby] Hey, hey, does this look like a petting zoo to you?
Dave Lizewski: Like most people my age, I just existed.
In an ageing society, it makes sense to support older adults to develop new skills, prolonging their working lives.
I think it's awesome to see people of all different ages from all kinds of backgrounds come together for the love of music.
Boys, young men, men of all ages are being captivated by the new visual grammar which pushes men to pout and posture.
My mom wouldn't let me buy clothes she didn't like, so I dressed like a middle-aged woman in high school.
Each moment of a happy love's hour is worth an age of dull and common life.
Minnesota has a proud tradition of having two Senators on the Ag committee - a tradition I'd like very much to continue.
I think cynicism lasts. Sentimentality ages, dates quickly.
In this age, you must be relentlessly remarkable to stay relevant, if not you will be relegated.