Your mind is the biggest uninvented gold mine. Dig it; you will find the gold.
There are three things that can destroy a preacher, the glory, the gold, and the girls.
A woman is like the moon-some nights it is silver others gold.
A beautiful maxim in the memory is like a piece of gold in the purse.
Rich people eat gold and shit lead.
The body pays for a slip of the foot and gold pays for a slip of the tongue.
Words are mere bubbles of water; deeds are drops of gold.
How memories lie to us. How time coats the ordinary with gold. How it breaks the heart to go back and attempt to re-live them. How crushed we are when we discover that the gold was merely gold-plating thinly coated over lead, chalk and peeling paint.
I definitely want to win a gold medal, that should be everybody's goal.
They don't give you gold medals for beating somebody. They give you gold medals for beating everybody.
I haven't let the gold medal out of my sight; it sleeps next to me in bed.
There are a lot of guys who play in the NBA. There aren't a lot of guys who have a chance to win a gold medal, too.
Life does not hand refined golds to us but golds hidden under the garment of the earth
Coming in as a veteran, I'd like to finish with a gold medal.
Lucy: You take everyone's suffering and turn it into gold, LITERARY GOLD!
Gold medals aren't really made of gold. They're made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find alloy called guts.
Many who have gold in the house are looking for copper outside.
Gold that is lent goes away laughing and comes back in tears.
You will observe that the stories told are all about money-seekers, not about money-finders.
After all, what is money apart from what it can buy?
Gold is hoarded. It's estimated that 95 percent of all gold ever mined is still around.