And yonder sits a maiden, The fairest of the fair, With gold in her garment glittering, And she combs her golden hair.
The construction of extensive railways, however, and particularly the consolidation of small, experimental lines into large systems, dates from the days of the discovery of gold in California.
Accordingly, when the supply of gold runs short, the security behind the notes is diminished, the loaning of notes is restricted or suspended, and the panic follows.
All the Junos, the Grammy nominations, the gold and platinum records, did nothing to assuage my conviction that I was an out-and-out loser.
The spectacle of a great, solvent government paying a fictitious price for gold it did not want and did not need and doing it on purpose to debase the value of its own paper currency was one to astonish the world.
Lord Victor Quartermaine: [after Gromit intercepts the gold carrot-bullet meant for the Were-Rabbit] Aarrghh! Potty poo!
[Bond is hand-cuffed to the "atomic device" and is about to be lowered into Fort Knox's gold vault] Auric Goldfinger: Goodbye, Mr. Bond.
[Steven gives Sheba a necklace as a Christmas present] Steven Connolly: It's made of real fake gold.
Mr. Park: [hands Dae-Su a business card while grinning a big gold-toothed grin] This dentist is really good.
For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.
Nature also forges man, now a gold man, now a silver man, now a fig man, now a bean man.
Many have said of Alchemy, that it is for the making of gold and silver. For me such is not the aim, but to consider only what virtue and power may lie in medicines.
Actually, I always dreamed about getting a gold medal in the 100-meter freestyle in Olympic swimming. I always thought that would be the epic award in sports to get.
Here were these college kids beating the Soviets and going on to the Olympic Gold Medal. To me, that's the greatest upset of all time in any sport that I can think of.
Success comes to those who have an entire mountain of gold that they continually mine, not those who find one nugget and try to live on it for fifty years.
Through Love all that is bitter will be sweet, Through Love all that is copper will be gold, Through Love all dregs will become wine, through Love all pain will turn to medicine.
As far as my solo record, I don't want a gold record or anything, I'm happy to be small and to have the people appreciate the music who really like me for being me.
Nothing is written in stone. So don't prepare yourself for a long and lucrative career. You might die tomorrow. Your gold holdings might become dust. Just make the music you want to make now and enjoy it.
A small gold plain cross was passed down from my grandma to my mom, then to me, and now to my daughter. It is always nice to own something that connects you to the women who made it possible for you to exist.
Jafar: [disguised as a prisoner] You've heard of the golden rule, haven't you? Whoever has the gold makes the rules.
As you know, Microsoft eventually kind of grabbed the gold ring out of Apple's hands, I guess.