The Doctor: You know how adults tell you everything's going to be fine, just to make you feel better? Amelia: Yes. Doctor: Well.....everything's going to be fine.
When I go out or to an event, I'll wear blue jeans and a shirt. And sometimes when I go to an event I'll wear camouflage. It depends what kind of mood I'm in.
Advertisers realize that Gen Y is the largest purchasing cohort. Also, that you're going to have to accept some different modes of thinking if you're going to get to them.
Things will absolutely go wrong. In a healthy team, as soon as things go wrong, that information should be surfaced. Trying to hide or obscure bad news creates an environment of distrust or lack of transparency.
When you're no longer ill, and everyone's gotten over the fact that you've had cancer, that core of steel doesn't go away, and then I had to find other channels for it.
Do not be afraid to walk the path that you must go just because you cannot see the end. The path becomes clearer as you continue to go on.
Anything that exists on the human palette is, from my point of view, fair game for artists to portray. You don't have to go see it if you don't want to, so don't go.
With the increased cost of gasoline, it doesn't appear that we're going to see a slowing of interest in mass transit. I think it's going to continue to grow.
Millions of Americans are standing up and saying, 'We want our country back!' Republicans, Democrats, Independents, will not go down the path of Greece, we will not go quietly into the night.
To win those big games you're going to have to complete some third-down passes, you're going to have to be able to get some explosive games in the passing game.
You don't get recognized that much unless you want to get recognized, like if you go to the fancy joints and that. It's like, L.A. - there are 10 restaurants. If you want to be seen, you go.
If you're going to buy a suit, don't buy one off the peg if you can afford not to. Go to a tailor, as I always do; find the style you like, and have it fitted to your shape.
You gotta learn that if you're gonna take the last shot of the game, it's either gonna go in, or it's not gonna go in, and you're either gonna be the hero or the goat.
It's one of those jobs where you go, 'Oh no, I've got to play Alfred Hitchcock. I have to play him even though I know what this is going to involve.'
The only way to find that territory is trying to keep your mind constantly open. That's the only way that you're ever going to see the sort of signs of where to go.
But I'd say that probably 70 percent of the bunkering is more to give you an idea of the direction that you want to go or to save your ball from going into worse places.
You never know what's going to happen sometimes, or what you think's going to happen never happens, or when you least expect it, the Santana record comes along and just blows up.
If you're going to hold someone down you're going to have to hold on by the other end of the chain. You are confined by your own repression.
With anything I do, it's hard to categorize it. With any project, I just go in and blindly start writing songs and then find out which way we want to go with it.
I've sustained a meniscus injury, shortly after that I sustained an ACL injury so really just going through that and going through some personal issues, personal problems within myself.
I was a garbage man in New Jersey in summers during college at Yale. Everybody else got to go to Switzerland and I got to go to the dump.