Cartman: [singing] Well, Kyle's mom is a big, fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. She's a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch, she's a bitch to all the boys and girls. / On Monday she's a bitch, on Tuesday she's a bitch, o...
[demonstrating a "V-Chip" planted into Cartman] Dr. Vosknocker: Now, I want you to say "doggy". Cartman: Doggy. Dr. Vosknocker: [to audience] Notice, that nothing happens. [to Cartman] Dr. Vosknocker: Now, say "Montana". Cartman: Montana. Dr. Vosknoc...
[Buzz #2 and the other toys tries to get Woody back home] Buzz Lightyear: Hold it right there! All: Buzz? Buzz Lightyear #2: You again? Buzz Lightyear: Woody! Thank goodness you're all right. Woody: Buzz, what is going on? Buzz Lightyear #2: [throws ...
Travis Bickle: I would say he has quite a few problems. His energy seems to go in the wrong places. When I walked in and I saw you two sitting there, I could just tell by the way you were both relating that there was no connection whatsoever. And I f...
Alonzo: Why do you wanna be a narc? Jake: I want to protect the streets by ridding it of dangerous drugs. Alonzo: Yeah, but why do you wanna be a narc? Jake: I wanna make detective. Alonzo: There you go. You stick around with me, you'll make it. Unle...
Howard: Say, answer me this one, will you? Why is gold worth some twenty bucks an ounce? Flophouse Bum: I don't know. Because it's scarce. Howard: A thousand men, say, go searchin' for gold. After six months, one of them's lucky: one out of a thousan...
Randolph Duke: [Valentine overhears the Dukes talking in the bathroom] Pay up, Mortimer. I've won the bet. Mortimer Duke: Here, one dollar. Randolph Duke: [chuckling] We took a perfectly useless psychopath like Valentine, and turned him into a succes...
Terence Fletcher: You are upset. [Andrew nods yes] Terence Fletcher: Say it. Andrew: I'm upset. Terence Fletcher: Say it so the whole band can hear you. Andrew: [a little louder] I'm upset! Terence Fletcher: Louder! Andrew: [loud] I'm upset! Terence ...
[after buying his used car, Burt says he needs some wheels to build a trailer for the motorcycle] Fernando: Well, I got a couple wheels in the shop I could let you have, but first you got to do me a favor. Burt Munro: Oh, well just say the word. [cut...
Patrick Denham: Most of the Wall Street jackasses I bust are douchebags, just like their fathers before them. But you... you, Jordan, got this way all on your own. Jordan Belfort: Did I? Patrick Denham: Good for you, little man. Jordan Belfort: Me, t...
Harry Burns: I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend t...
[Blue Star has gone from 24 to 16 1/2 in a very short time] Gordon Gekko: Fox, where the hell are you? I am losing MILLIONS! You got me into this airline and you sure as hell better get me out or the only job you'll ever have on the Street is SWEEPIN...
Logan: What happened to the School? Hank McCoy: It's been shut for years. Are you a parent? Logan: [scoffs] I sure as hell hope not! Who are you? Hank McCoy: I'm Hank, Hank McCoy. I look after the house now. Logan: [smiles] You're Beast? Look at you....
William 'Bill' Pogue, CAPCOM: Aquarius, watch that middle gimbal. We don't want you tumbling off into space. Jim Lovell: Freddo, inform Houston I'm well aware of the God-damned gimbals! Fred Haise, Sr.: [calmly] Roger that, Houston. Jim Lovell: I don...
Lester Burnham: I am sick and tired of being treated like I don't exist. You two do whatever you want, whenever you want to do it, and I don't complain. Carolyn Burnham: Oh, you don't complain? Then please, excuse me, I must be psychotic, then! If yo...
Aladdin: [saving Jasmine from an irate merchant] Thank you, kind sir. I'm so glad you found her. Aladdin: [to Jasmine] I've been looking all over for you! Princess Jasmine: [whispering] What are you doing? Aladdin: [whispering] Just play along. Farou...
Katerina Cavalieri: I heard you met Herr Mozart. Antonio Salieri: News travels fast in Vienna. Katerina Cavalieri: And he's been commissioned to write an opera. Is it true? Antonio Salieri: Yes. Katerina Cavalieri: Is there a part in it for me? Anton...
Dr. Max Patel: Grace, this is Jake Sully. Jake Sully: Ma'am. Dr. Grace Augustine: Yeah, yeah, I know who you are and I don't need you. I need your brother. You know, the PhD who trained for 3 years for this mission. Jake Sully: He's dead. I know it's...
John Bender: [Imitating his Father] Stupid, worthless, no good, goddamn, freeloading son of a bitch. Retarded, big mouth, know-it-all, asshole, jerk. [Imitating his Mother] John Bender: You forgot ugly, lazy and disrespectful. [Father's voice] John B...
Marty McFly: [running into the Saloon] Doc. What are you doin'? Doc: I've lost her, Marty. There's nothing left for me here. Marty McFly: Yeah, that's why you gotta come back with me. Doc: Where? Marty McFly: Back to the future. Doc: [Nods his head] ...
[Caesar is aiming his gun at Corky, who is tied up - 'bound' as the title has it] Caesar: God. I should have seen this coming the minute I met you. Everybody knows your kind can't be trusted. Fucking queers make me sick. But you made a fatal mistake....