A good artist has less time than ideas.
Keep good company - that is, go to the Louvre.
I'm living my life, not buying a lifestyle.
Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.
I cannot help but think a curious event is this life of mine.
There is always a delightful sense of movement, vibration and life.
Each color lives by its mysterious life.
It's such a crass idea - you're either in love or out of love.
The key to your universe is that you can choose.
My painting carries with it the message of pain.
Beware of over-confidence; especially in matters of structure.
A pioneer destroys things and calls it civilization.
The Mediterranean is always just white, white, white.
I was not an Abstract Expressionist. Nor was I an Irascible.
I paint things as they are. I don't comment.
I have always been a pencil.
I have invented the Thermometer style.
Every man is an artist.
It is wonderful to feel the grandness of Canada in the raw.
The corruption of the American soul is consumerism.
Over and over I'm on the point of giving it up.