Oh, God! That bread should be so dear, And flesh and blood so cheap!
Whenever the conviction of God’s Spirit comes there is the softening of the whole nature to obey; but if the obedience is not instant there will come a metallic hardening and a corrupting of the guidance of God.
If you wish to befriend someone, look for a person who loves first God then themselves. If they love God, they will be able to love their neighbor, too.
Never think that you need to protect God. Because anytime you think you need to protect God, you can be sure that you are worshipping an idol.
Your father is the only God. You can also become god but you must follow a simple rule and let that rule be made up of love.
We don’t want to limit what God can do in our children by trying to parent them alone—Trust God to take care of them.
God is not a separate entity outside of ones self. God is love meaning a personal acceptance of ones "higher" self. Now, your ego, that's a whole other side of your- self.
By God a man is afraid more of himself than anything else; every day he is struggling to construct a God first to suit him, only then to others.
The cross has two sides to it. One side is what Jesus did for us. He forgave us our sins. The other is the God side. God now lives in man!
The call to “take the land” ...is not a call to a new political, cultural or geographical dominance. It is Kingdom of God territory. It is the will of the Eternal God being done on earth, as it is in heaven.
And even as each one of you stands alone in God's knowledge, so must each one of you be alone in his knowledge of God and in his understanding of the earth.
I have being saved by the grace of God. I am a child of God. The Lord's great favour and mighty power is upon me.
When I intentionally thank God for the good gifts that come from being his child, I find it almost impossible to maintain my sour disposition.
God in his infinite wisdom Did not make me very wise- So when my actions are stupid They hardly take God by surprise.
God is God. He knows what he is doing. When you can’t trace his hand, trust his heart.
The equilibrium of power between God and Human is getting so close; God has built the planet in 6 days and today we can destroy it within half a day.
Christmas does not remind us that God was born over 2000 years ago. It is a time to remember that God was born in our Heart and Lives in our Heart, everyday!-RVM
The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization.
Despite our disapproval with what God allows us to endure, he still remains the same God that is not interested in our convenience, as much as our character.
A sacrifice is not about expecting God to break the bond you have with another person. You make the sacrifice on your own because God is more important than the bond.
I mean, I think even God would agree with this at this point. God’s existence isn’t important. It’s what we do with what we’ve got that counts.