Don't allow anyone to talk you out from the habit of following your true passion in life. People are not God; so they can cannot see what you see in your mental imagination.
You are fine just the way you are. Don't allow anyone to reduce you to a state of inferiority. God created us all in His own image. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing inferior about you.
Don't let where you are in life to cause you to be so insecure about yourself. There is more to you than your flaws and negative conditions. You are a royal child of God.
Before you start to lose sleep over your problems, be sure to talk to God about them. He has proven over and over again to be extremely good at solving problems.
God has already given us the courage and strength to relentlessly push ahead. So let's not hesitate to push forward until we are greatly rewarded in the territory of abundant blessings.
Think about how far you have come, and how far that you desire to go, and then say to yourself with full conviction, 'It's very possible with God on my side.
Try not to waste your entire stay on earth running from your fears. You were born to be victorious in all your endeavors. Start walking with faith and courage. God is with you, and will forever be with you.
God has already given us everything that we need to be happy, but it's still our individual responsibility to ensure that our thoughts are constantly in favor of our happiness.
Despite all of our flaws, God still loves us unconditionally. So why then should you dare to turn your back on loving your true positive self,unconditionally?
God brought you on earth with a destiny to strive and thrive in all circumstances, and no one or anything can succeed in rewriting this destiny without your consent. Keep being a winner that you were born to be.
Your life would become a journey of unstoppable blessings, if you start to work on your dreams with an unshakable faith in God's ability to make every impossibility to become possible in your life.
Stop spoiling your God's given beauty with an ugly attitude. It is not in any form or shape attractive. Moreover, being respectful, kind, and humble have never led anyone to a negative life.
If you think that your life is amazing, wait till you see what God has lined up for you in the future. But remember, you have to keep pushing forward with bigger goals and ideas.
Your God's given potential is far too great to ever dare to bargain for anything less than a victorious life. Therefore, it's time to rise to the challenge and push beyond your fears and doubts.
God didn't bring you into this life for you to wait around for good things to happen to you. It is time to introduce your life to so many possibilities and opportunities out there. Victory is yours.
As you straighten your hand to receive some blessings from God, be sure to extended your other hand to help someone who is in desperate need, despite how small it might be.
If you direct your beliefs and thoughts to always work in your favor, nothing else from the outside would succeed in dethroning you from the throne of your God's given destiny.
The most important thing you have in life is your God's given destiny. With that being said, dare not to ever permit people or things to take it away from you.
A mighty fortress is our God, and in Him we are safe for time and for eternity. Shall we murmur if we have less of time than we expected? The less of time, the more of heaven. The briefer life, earlier mortality.
God is not an exclamation point. He is, at his best, a semicolon, connecting people, and generating what Aldous Huxley called “human grace.” Somewhere along the way, we’ve lost sight of this.
I don't have any relationship with God and I've never wanted it. I don't believe in fate or in any superior entity; if a plane crashes and people die, it's not because Heaven said so.