The heart of man is, so to speak, the paradise of God.
Adam was a super-being when God created him.
God is decisively drawn to the humble.
Dog is God spelled backward.
Blame is for God and small children.
I had hoped God would be neutral.
God is the Creator; Satan is the counterfeiter.
Peace is the umpire for doing the will of God.
Trust in God - she will provide.
God has entrusted me with myself.
One and God make a majority.
Woman was God's second mistake.
Friends are God's apology for relations.
God is defined by Jesus but not confined to Jesus.
Feelings are like a color chart that God has given us.
One with God stands with majority.
There either is a god or there is not; there is a 'design' or not.
God is in the questions, not the answers.
That which isn’t love, isn’t god.
I've stopped dreaming to believing in God
There's no safety outside of God.