Pyro: So, they say you're the bad guy. Magneto: Is that what they say? Pyro: That's a dorky looking helmet. What's it for? Magneto: This "dorky looking helmet" is the only thing that's going to protect me from the REAL bad guys. [magnetically takes P...
[Nick Fury goes over to the fatally-wounded Coulson] Agent Phil Coulson: I'm sorry, boss. The god rabbited. Nick Fury: Just stay awake. Eyes on me. Agent Phil Coulson: No. I'm clocked out here. Nick Fury: Not an option. Agent Phil Coulson: It's okay,...
Howard Hughes: Stop there, if you please, Miss Domergue. Have you had surgery, Miss Domergue? Faith Domergue: No. Howard Hughes: Do you have scars of *any* kind? Faith Domergue: No. Howard Hughes: Wipe off your lipstick. That's much better. Now you u...
Erica: You're working yourself too hard. We all have off days. Nina: If that girl hadn't barged in. Erica: I'm sure she didn't mean to. Remember when you first started? If I hadn't taken you to each of your classes you would have been completely lost...
Gnosticism is undeniably pre-Christian, with both Jewish and gentile roots. The wisdom of Solomon already contained Gnostic elements and prototypes for the Jesus of the Gospels...God stops being the Lord of righteous deed and becomes the Good One...A...
My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's...
When Lillian (Holt) argues that leadership steals your spirit, she means that institutional pressures change you; they erode your courage, passion and humour and wear you down so that important things don't get named and get overtaken by the trivial....
All you ought to be worrying about now is order (not about how to impose it on chaos, wish is the opposite of art, but about how to bring it out of chaos, which is art itself). And your worrying about this ought not to be a tortured thing - God knows...
Simple answers to the most difficult questions: 1. Why do humans find it difficult to express themselves? To relate to the movies and books, later. 2. Why do humans make everything look so big, beautiful & complicated? Ego feels good. 3. Why do human...
Marriage [is] not just a bond between two people but a bond between those two people and their forebears, their children, and their neighbors... Lovers must not . . . live for themselves alone. . . . They say their vows to the community as much as to...
An effort was made to spread this new materialist atheism with its Communist consequence "by the sword" (as the metaphor goes), that is, by the invasion of neighboring countries with consequent further massacres and the extension of the area of despo...
Their musical ability and performance seems to derive from the past collective experience and presents itself in the individual unconscious today. Through it we tap into something eternal and it is apparent even in how they approach their playing. Pe...
En toda guerra el odio da lugar a más odio, la crueldad es correspondida con más crueldad y llega un momento en el que es difícil decir cuándo empezó la vorágine del «ojo por ojo», y calcular si uno de los dos bandos ha infligido más sufrimi...
I don't know the meaning of life. I don't know why we are here. I think life is full of anxieties and fears and tears. It has a lot of grief in it, and it can be very grim. And I do not want to be the one who tries to tell somebody else what life is ...
Hence [through No Child Left Behind] the state has been given fire all teachers and principles. So here we have an unusual case in which the students are engaged in the performances, but the high stakes have been displaced onto the teacher...
The real difference in the believer who follows Christ and has mortified his will and died after the old man in Christ, is that he is more clearly aware than other men of the rebelliousness and perennial pride of the flesh, he is conscious of his slo...
—Te creo. Da igual, tu estilista resultó ser profético en su elección de vestuario. Katniss Everdeen, la chica en llamas, ha encendido una chispa que, si no se apaga, podría crecer hasta convertirse en el incendio que destruya Panem. —¿Por q...
I'm just saying that I think I chose to act the way I did in part because of you. Since I've met you, everything I've done has been in part because of you. I can't untie myself from you, Clary - not my heart or my blood or my mind or any other part o...
It has occurred to me, brother, that wisdom may not be the end to everything. Goodness and kindness are, perhaps, beyond wisdom. Is it not possible that the ultimate end is music and gaiety and a dance of joy? Wisdom is the oldest of all things. Wisd...
The faces you clutch at desperately slip away; it's when you're not thinking about them that their features flash past. It can happen on a street corner, at the turn of a staircase, because somebody said a word, because some image, an image has passe...
I admire addicts. In a world where everybody is waiting for some blind, random disaster or some sudden disease, the addict has the comfort of knowing what will most likely wait for him down the road. He's taken some control over his ultimate fate, an...