God promises a safe landing but not a calm passage.
If God were not forgiving, heaven would be empty.
Do not insult the river god while crossing the river.
Man concocts a million schemes; god knows but one.
God does not love those who have not suffered.
God does not pay weekly, but pays at the end.
Who doesn't keep faith with God won't keep it with men.
Who God does not teach, man cannot.
If women were really good, God would be married.
Liberty is God's gift, liberties the devil s.
When God says "today," the devil says "tomorrow."
If it's God's will the broom will lose its handle.
God laughs when you steal from a thief.
The mills of the gods grind slowly but they grind finely.
When God punishes a land, he deprives it leaders of wisdom.
Better to be guilty in the eyes of men than in the eyes of God.
The god who made the mouth will provide the food.
God doesn't give more beards than soap.
God is always where we don't look for him.
Honor goes to God; the priests get the bacon.
God lets things go -- but only to a point.