Prayers not felt by us are seldom heard by God.
Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn't misuse it.
When we learn from experience, the scars of sin can lead us to restoration and a renewed intimacy with God.
God is only a great imaginative experience.
God forgive you, but I never can.
God will forgive me. It's his job.
Beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. God and devil are fighting there, and the battlefield is the heart of man.
God will forgive me; that's his business.
God, that dumping ground of our dreams.
Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.
Einstein was adamant in rejecting all ideas of a personal god.
The highest revelation is that God is in every man.
God screens us evermore from premature ideas.
God, to me, it seems, is a verb not a noun, proper or improper.
For the most part, people use God as Santa Claus.
Oh my God, I love rehab! I highly recommend it.
Actions yield result by the ordinance of God as He wills.
I'm absolutely confident that the God that I worship abhors violence.
It is altogether proper for people to recognize a sovereign God.
Spring is God's way of saying, 'One more time!'
Without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure.