Step out in faith to claim a blessed life.
One who loves unconditionally will be blessed unconditionally.
Blessed is the nightbird that sings for joy and not to be heard.
We all feel really blessed to have been with my dad for these 85 years.
Throughout my career, I was blessed with great teams and great teammates.
I've been blessed to have a long career.
I feel very, very blessed.
We are blessed, we just need to realize.
My son is a blessing in every way.
I'm a civic busybody and I've been blessed with an active career.
I'm very blessed and I don't take anything for granted.
I'm blessed to have a little bit of success in football.
My first public impression was my French teacher, Derek Swift.
I really have been so, so blessed with all my leading men.
I've been very blessed to work in some films that I'm very proud of.
God is Holy. God is pure. God is faithful. God is gracious. God is merciful.
Everything I've read about Christians in prison for their non-violent witness to Christ rings true. Whether it's St. Paul, St. Edmund Campion, Dorothy Day or Dr. King, the experience remains the same: God comes close to those in prison. God's spirit ...
Hunger for God compels us to seek the Lord. At times our desire for God overcomes our physical desires, and the ache for God is palpable. Throughout the Scriptures, God is faithful to reward those who search for him. Written during one of King David'...
God is triune, and all reality is structured in terms of Him. A brief definition of the Trinity might be this: One God without division in a plurality of Persons, and three Persons without confusion in a unity of essence. God is not 'basically' One, ...
God is not anything human. God is a force, God is chaos, God is unknown. God is terror and enlightenment at the same time.
The God who has claimed us for himself if Father, Son and Holy Spirit; not just Father, not just Son, not just Spirit. God is God FOR US - Father. God is God WITH US - Son. God is God IN US - Spirit.