God's advice trumps Oprah's every time.
I always wanted to play a Greek god in something.
This means that to man God gave a degree of free will.
I believe God will make a way.
God is omnipotent, He is omniscient, and He is ever present.
God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.
But the God of the Bible is not only One, but the only possible One.
I just believe in my Indian, spiritual god and my music.
I don't worship the Bible, I worship the God who gave the Bible.
Parents are to be respected - it Is a commandment from God.
I don't belive in God. I believe in...Al Pacino.
God has all the answers, seek him.
Mind makes a man of God.
The eye is to light as the soul is to God.
God is faithful even when we are unfaithful.
Repentance restores your relationship with God.
Gods always love the people who make em.
God' is an excuse to justify hate.
Where the Spirit of God is, there is liberty.
God's timing is like Jazz.