Purchasing the Bobcats is the culmination of my post-playing career goal of becoming the majority owner of an NBA franchise.
Apparently Iran thinks that it can continue to deceive the world in order to reach its goals.
With 'Blue Slide Park' I wanted to have a number one album, and I did do it, so I'm not mad at it, but that was its goal.
Our goal is to be among the best nations worldwide because the Emirati people will settle for nothing less than the best.
The person who has the will to undergo all labor may win any goal.
One of my goals is to allow readers to see my characters and the world they inhabit as vividly as possible.
Their goal was in sight. They had a Titan with a very loud kitten on their side. That had to count for something.
If you want to accomplish something in the world, idealism is not enough - you need to choose a method that works to achieve the goal.
If you have not learnt anything but have learnt one thing that the Goal of life is to be Happy,you have learnt everything!-RVM
Given six months to live and being the fighter that I am, I set high goals for myself.
I think perfect objectivity is an unrealistic goal; fairness, however, is not.
I regret what happened. I saw no other possibility to achieve my goal. It was not hooliganism.
Our main goal as Iraqi people is to drive the occupation out in any way.
Enlightenment is the key to everything, and it is the key to intimacy, because it is the goal of true authenticity.
The strongest arguments prove nothing so long as the conclusions are not verified by experience. Experimental science is the queen of sciences and the goal of all speculation.
Most success springs from an obstacle or failure. I became a cartoonist largely because I failed in my goal of becoming a successful executive.
You get a letter from her agency embracing you into the family that says, 'It is our goal now to help you achieve your dream of being a songwriter, in John's memory.'
I feel it's my responsibility to be able to take care of my family by living off the land. That's the ultimate goal for a man.
My goal has always been to just kind of show how my family, we might be a different culture, but we're completely like everybody else.
And, in the past, it has been all too easy for legislators to load costs onto business in order to meet broader social goals. And costs for business means costs for consumers.
Working on a play is a vibrant and collaborative business. Everyone from the choreographer to the music director to the director to the writers work together toward the same goal, and everyone chimes in on everything.