My goal is to do the most with the least—get the maximum output with the minimum input.
This Book Has No TitleYour Mistakes don't define you, rather it directs you towards your goal and leads you to victory.
XenolandJust do your best. I find that if I set that goal for myself and no one else, I feel good.
Cobie SmuldersIf I had a dream or a goal… then maybe I would be able to overcome the obstacles in my way.
Paradise KissThe bicycle kick is not easy to do. I scored 1,283 goals, and only two or three were bicycle kicks.
PeleOne item on my agenda is simply planning trips, setting them as goals, something to look forward to.
Paul ParkerWe can’t really explain what the goal of mentoring is, until we understand what the church is for.
Rhys Bezzant