The coverlet warmed her legs. The firelight wobbled over the pages. Maelyn sank into the world the words wrapped around her, hushing everything that hurt, and seeping tranquility right down to her toes. She was home.
Men don't ask other men if they're getting home OK, they just assume that beneath the frail, weak exterior lurks a muscle-building kung fu master fearless of ever being mugged.
When the Earth was just a child, He searched for his mother Venus; And for his father Mars, But they were not home; They were gone elsewhere, Out there, in the great expanse; Beyond the breathing universe.
On the way home Mary Lou said, "Some things are so sad you can't say them." But I pretended not to hear.
It was a little thing, a baby tree, but still it tangled with things around it and required care to move. And when she pulled it out, it's roots still clung to Earth from it's old home.
I was thinking of Cambridge, and then I got a bit homesick for a minute, 'cause I never been this far away from home before. But the I remember you're here, and now I'm not homesick no more.
Four walls don’t make a home. Neither does having a roof over your mouth.
God walked out the book to walk into the temple.. And I walked back home.. For the Book had Rules and Temples had timings...
Just rest and soon enough, you'll be home." I assured her as she slowly closed her eyes and the smile on her face faded.
Bob, I am grateful for your Three letter name. It's another reminder of home Of a world predictable Of a life I had.
Whoever is messing with my daughter, messing with my home, will be sorry they chose to play this game. I’ll be screaming checkmate before they even realise I moved my pawns…
I think what you notice most when you haven’t been home in a while is how much the trees have grown around your memories.
He doesn't yearn for a better, different life than the one he has - because he knows he's got a home in this one.
We need only to close our eyes and we are back on the Third Line, walking up the lane, through the yard and entering the bright, warm kitchen. We are home again.
It's a good thing to see that people can heal after they've been broken, that they can change and become something different from what they were before.
That was why she was happy. He now knew that happiness ad kindness went together. There was not one without the other. For Jean-Guy it was a struggle. For Annie it seemed natural.
No matter how much restitution she paid with every word and deed, her blood-stained hands could never really be clean, even if no one else knew they were dirty.
It seemed that we loved each other better when there were large swaths of two continents between us. The daily work of love was often hard to perform at home.
God, with a wisdom I can't claim to understand, called you home a long time ago, and the tears I shed that night have never seemed to dry.
Seriously,” the banker went on, “what do you investigate? I have a feeling you do more than find stray kittens and bring home lost babies.” “Murder.
I guess I figured that as long as I was with people I loved, I was home. It didn't matter where we were or what kind of place we lived in. We had each other and that was enough.