A total of 1,580 people, the civilian population, suffered as a result of the bloody wave of terrorist acts that swept over Moscow and other towns and villages of our country.
'The Marrying Season' is the final book in the 'Legend of St. Dwynwen' series, and in each of the three books, a small village church in the Cotswolds plays a significant role.
I regret profoundly that I was not an American and not born in Greenwich Village. It might be dying, and there might be a lot of dirt in the air you breathe, but this is where it's happening.
Yes, I was a parish priest for five years. I was a curate in a large working class parish in Bristol and the Vicar of a village in Kent.
I don't always set stories in villages, more often in towns. But always in smallish communities because the characters' actions are more visible there, and the dramatic tension is heightened.
Franz Kline, who became known for his black and white paintings, did a whole series of gorgeous landscapes and wonderful portraits that may still hang in Greenwich Village.
There's nothing nicer than coming back to your village, where people like my mum's friends take the mick out of me. I prefer that to the craziness of Hollywood.
Baloo: [after the girl from the man village drops her jug of water] She did that on purpose! Bagheera: Obviously.
Photographer James Nachtwey has spent his professional life in the places people most want to avoid: war zones and refugee camps, the city flattened by an earthquake, the village swallowed by a flood, the farm hollowed out by famine.
Villager: An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Tevye: Very good. That way the whole world will be blind and toothless.
DS Andy Cartwright: You wanna be a big cop in a small town? Fuck off up the model village.
Katsumoto: This is my son's village. We are deep in the mountains, and the winter is coming. You cannot escape. Nobutada: Jolly Good.
Yeti: You wanna go to the village? Okay, rule number one out here: Always... no, Never go out in a blizzard.
Bunny: [Coaxing a villager's pig to come to him] Hey, piggy, piggy. Hey, pig! [shoots pig at point blank range and laughs]
I saw the Village as a place you could escape to, to express yourself. When I first went there, I wrote and performed poetry. Then I drew portraits for a couple of years. It took a while before I thought about picking up a guitar.
I knew Bobby Dylan back in the days when he lived in the village. He used to come and see me and sing songs for me, saying they ought to go into my next collected book on American folk music.
There was this mountain village in Russia where my music was getting in on some German radio station. I remember this because music used to get up to Saskatchewan from Texas. Late at night after the local station closed down.
I grew up in a kibbutz in the Galilee, but we were surrounded by Arabic villages, so I heard all these sounds and all this music. My father was very close friends with one of the Bedouin tribes, so I would always go there, to weddings, and I was alwa...
I first heard African drum rhythms and chants at the movies. Then, when I had the opportunity to go to Africa and visit the villages, I heard the real, raw, true rhythms and realised the origins of the old Negro spirituals I grew up with in the South...
Villagers: [singing] We don't like what we don't understand, in fact it scares us, and this monster is mysterious at least...
I began when I was a child, because I was born and grew up in a little village. And many people ride the horses. So, it was a big - it has been a big passion for me.