Every city, every town, hides beneath a certain amount of glamour that- either intentionally or not- can misdirect the eye or hide something worth finding. Learning to see through those glamours is part of the process of calling any place home.
But doesn't add something to what has come before; but takes something away. At its most daring, it can feel like a Bat Turn, a 180-degree spin int the Batmobile. Make that a But Turn.
It's the most unglamourous glamour business in the world.
I've never really known what glamour is.
I don't think tennis is a glamour game, not at all.
I am committed to glamour.
I don't go for glamour roles.
I don't understand women who try to be glamour queens.
To me glamour isn't about being sparkly.
I've never been a much of a glamour girl.
I'm just not very good at glamour... It doesn't come easily to me.
Being in nature is very important to me. I'm not a glamour puss.
I could see us sitting at the old piano, while he tried to explain how music worked. I could see the Iron glamour in the notes, the strict lines and rigid rules that made up the score, but the music itself was a vortex of song and pure, swirling emot...
Well, I don't find glamour and clothing relevant.
Sometimes I can be distracted by the glamour and the fabulousness.
I think glamour is synonymous with me.
Glamour is about feeling good in your own skin.
The glamour of being forbidden must not be underestimated.
Glamour is what I sell, it's my stock in trade.
I love fashion, beauty, glamour. It's the mark of civilisation.
It's good to be fit and look good, especially when you are a part of the glamour industry.