Marilyn Lovell: [Jim is standing outside, looking up at the moon, covering and uncovering it with his thumb. Marilyn comes out with a garbage bag] You're drunk, Lovell. Jim Lovell: Yeah, I'm not used to the champagne. Marilyn Lovell: Me neither... [S...
Lester Burnham: I am sick and tired of being treated like I don't exist. You two do whatever you want, whenever you want to do it, and I don't complain. Carolyn Burnham: Oh, you don't complain? Then please, excuse me, I must be psychotic, then! If yo...
[last title cards] Title cards: Frank Lucas was convicted of Conspiracy to Distribute Narcotics and sentenced to 70 years. Title cards: Federal authorities confiscated over 250 million dollars of Frank's assets in U.S. and foreign banks. Title cards:...
Doctor in Brooklyn: Why are you depressed, Alvy? Alvy's Mom: Tell Dr. Flicker. [Young Alvy sits, his head down - his mother answers for him] Alvy's Mom: It's something he read. Doctor in Brooklyn: Something he read, huh? Alvy at 9: [his head still do...
Genie: So, what'll it be, Master? Aladdin: You're gonna grant me any three wishes I want, right? Genie: [as William F. Buckley] Uh, almost. There are a few, uh, provisos, a, a couple of quid pro quos. Aladdin: Like? Genie: [normal] Uh, rule #1: I can...
[Captain America throws his shield between Iron Man and Thor, stopping their fight in the woods] Steve Rogers: Hey! That's enough! [Captain America looks at Thor] Steve Rogers: Now, I don't know what you plan on doing here. Thor: I've come here to pu...
Batman: [has laid a snare-trap which yanks Flass by his leg 70 feet into the air] Where were the other drugs going? Flass: I never knew. I don't know. I swear to God... Batman: Swear to *me*! [He rapidly lowers a screaming Flass and then yanks him ba...
Henry: [both characters talking to Jason] Best part of the cod. The outsiders, they won't touch it. Summer fisherman, well, they're part-timers like Frank here; get in your hair. As many as 80 of them now with licenses. Hmm! Should have put up a sign...
Dr. Emmett Brown: [the DeLorean has just made the first time-jump] Ah! What did I tell you? 88 miles per hour! The temporal displacement occurred exactly 1:20 a.m. and zero seconds! Marty McFly: Ah, Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ, Doc, you disintegrated ...
Jack Lipnick: Look Bart, barring a preference we're going to put you on a wrestling picture, Wallace Beery. I say this because they tell me you know the poetry of the streets, so that would rule out westerns, pirate pictures, screwball, Bible, Roman....
Marty McFly: Tough break, kid. Must be rough bein' named after a complete butthead. Marty McFly: What's that supposed to mean? Marty McFly: [Biff knocks on Marty's head with his cane] Marty McFly: Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McFly! Think!...
Hedley Lamarr: As per your instructions, I'd like you to meet the new sheriff of Rock Ridge. Governor William J. Le Petomane: I'd be delighted. [extends his hand, then yanks it away on seeing Bart] Governor William J. Le Petomane: Wow! [whistles, the...
The search began 10 years ago To find a nasty viscous foe They searched in caves and underground But no Bin Laden could be found The President full of seething Calls his Generals to a meeting Have you looked under your noses? Is the question he propo...
And you are?” She fluttered her hand over her face and brushed a wisp of light brown hair from her brow. The governor calls me Kitty. It’d probably be best if you did, too.” What an alluring name? It makes me think of a cat with its lips covere...
The beautiful unruliness of literature is what makes it so much fun to wander through: you read Jane Austen and you say, oh, that is IT. And then you turn around and read Sterne, and you say, Man, that is IT. And then you wander across a century or s...
Why, if one wants to compare life to anything, one must liken it to being blown through the Tube at fifty miles an hour--landing at the other end without a single hairpin in one's hair! Shot out at the feet of God entirely naked! Tumbling head over h...
I sat at my desk, poured myself a glass of wine, and pondered profession...was it meaningless? I took a long, drawn-back swig of the bourbon and slammed down the glass. I only then noticed the stream of filtered light illuminating through t...
And while thou livest, dear Kate, take a fellow of plain and uncoined constancy; for he perforce must do thee right, because he hath not the gift to woo in other places: for these fellows of infinite tongue, that can rhyme themselves into ladies' fav...
Afghan Girl Ice blue eyes that look to the morning sky as I knit the pieces and remnants of my life. I have No books, no paper, no pencils, and no black boards. I look at the holes in my life as I see the hills of the Appalachians that echo. I think ...
But, first, remember, remember, remember the signs. Say them to yourself when you wake in the morning and when you lie down at night, and when you wake in the middle of the night. And whatever strange things may happen to you, let nothing turn your m...
I really need to remember to block my thoughts." "Oh, come on," he pulled me closer towards him. "Why are you so scared?" "Because the second that I let this conversation happen, I'll be letting my walls down. No matter what answer you give me, you'l...