People with positive attitude can see great things even in worse situations. Only cowards give up because the worst happened to them.
Don't give up the fight. Don't dim out the light. Those who at first don't believe in you, will soon begin to ask you "how did you do it?” Keep it up!
Don’t lose yourself in the process of caring for others. Don’t overdo it as if you don’t need any care to give to yourself. It’s true, you are special too!
Your challenges are like tall walls with weak foundations. They'll fall when you dare to give them a blow. Don't be afraid to dare... You will surely overcome!
When resistance closes the door against you, remember that persistence holds the key. Don't give up too early; insist to endure to the end... You will never regret it!
The hills and mountains on your ways are going to be removed. But remember that’s what should happen when God gives you the shovel. Use your gifts; it’s the escape route!
You are likely to fall when you stop paddling your bicycle. Such is life. As long as you don’t give up, you will never end up failing!
Let God direct your steps. The main reason why many steps fail is that people know God is an expert in directing steps, but they don’t want to give him the contract.
Impatience has ruined many crowns; it had lured people to give up when they have just few minute to win, just few millimeters to touch the winning carpet!
There is no harm in trying... Trying improves your skills, enhances your stamina and encourages you to excel. Give it a try... Even in trying moments, keep trying. You will never regret it!
Stop over-loading yourself with numberless tasks. Give time to yourself for rest and positive deliberations. You can’t think better and plan better when you are under stress!
That's ridiculous. The only point in having enemies is so you can defeat them, kill them, brush them aside." "Or give them a chance to redeem themselves.
We know how it ends practically before it starts. That's why stories appeal to us. They give us the clarity and simplicity our real lives lack.
At this time to refuse or neglect to give coffee to their wives was a legitimate cause for divorce among the Turks." William H. Ukers (1873-1945).
The vampires took everything from me, but I'm looking into the eyes of one who has the power to give me back a reason to live, who can heal my gaping hole of sorrow.
It’s probably my job to tell you life isn’t fair, but I figure you already know that. So instead, I’ll tell you that hope is precious, and you’re right not to give up.
She had not made a decision to give up sex, only the clamor of romance, because it was exhausting her, doing her no good and too much harm...
Giants are not what we think they are. The same qualities that appear to give them strength are often the sources of great weakness.
Spiritual joy is what you experience when you choose to give thanks to God no matter what happens—even when things go wrong.
You'll never know how close you are to victory if you give up.
Forgiving yourself means that you give up on your hope that the past will be different.