Fool me once, shame on you fool me twice, shame on me fool me thrice, I'm gonna get the frying pan!
Fans made me. The fans gave me a chance, and they made me. Beyond that, my career has been trials and tribulations and ups and downs, so I have to have true fans riding with me.
Music is my thing. It's my thing; it's what I love. It's what I do. It's football to me; it's Christmas to me; religion to me; poetry to me.
Long before 'American Idol', people used to call me a diva. And I be like, 'Hold on, are you calling me something else on the sly? You gonna call me a diva, call me a good diva.'
I'm a person that carries everything that happened to me in my past, with me into the future. I refuse to let it make me bitter. I still completely believe in love and I remain open to anything that will happen to me.
That is one of the reasons I write: to feel the Presence of God and know He is speaking to me in a very personal way, instructing me, correcting me, redirecting me.
Softball has given me so much in life. It's taught me the kind of person I want to be, and given me a sweet sisterhood. It even led me to my husband.
People tell me they idolise me, want to be like me, but I tell them, 'trust me, you don't want my life.' I've been a very tortured soul.
I know that there are some people who don't like me, and that kind of surprises me more than the people who love me.
People love me or hate me and all I think about is the people that I know and suffer with different causes and carry on my charity work and that's what keeps me alive really.
I ain't acting when I'm on stage. That's why all the little love bugs who'll come and see me at Lovebox love me. They know it's the real me.
My favourite people to follow on Twitter are... my fans. They make me laugh so much and keep me smiling.
There are two infinities that confuse me: the one in my soul devours me; the one around me will crush me
If someone remembers me as a coach, they still call me 'Coach,' but if they know me for the video game, they just call me 'Madden.'
I'll never forget one time a fan came up to me crying, and told me, 'You really inspire me to be me. I feel OK to be myself now.'
Hold me, Touch me: Hold me! Touch me! Max Bialystock: [pulling her into his office] Not in the hall!
Gorillas are almost altruistic in nature. There's very little if any 'me-itis.' When I get back to civilization, I'm always appalled by 'me, me, me.'
You can hate me. You can go out there and say anything you want about me, But you will love me later because I told you the truth.
Love me. You have destroyed everything! But if you love me, it can all be restored in a new form. Love me.
While cats can be infuriating, little old women in fur coats, they make me laugh. Of course, dogs, horses and my highly social chickens are dear to me, too.
He hit me, started to cry, and went straight to the judge to sue me.