I know of no country in the world that has passed a law specifically denying a woman's right to choose where she intends to give birth.
A soul gives power to the mind; and the mind empowers the soul
Joy and happiness derives not from receiving but from giving.
If you want to get more from life, then give more.
The highest form of charity is giving education with love.
If you have the ability, give as if it's life's duty.
To have more, give more To be happy, love more.
Generosity is not only giving but also a sign of caring.
Serve a person in need. Give generously indeed.
The fans know that I don't give at-bats away.
When life gives you lemons, put your lipstick on!
You feel touched and honored and alive when you give to someone.
Craving, not having, is the mother of a reckless giving of oneself.
I'm not the type to get ulcers. I give them.
I had to give myself permission to act, then others agreed.
When a performer doesn't get nervous, that is when you have to give up.
If you are going to do a film properly you have to give yourself completely to it.
You can not give up because life is a riddle
A Truthful Evaluation Of Yourself Gives Feedback For Growth and Success
They want explanation, not faith; God gives them faith as the explanation.
I hate being wrong, and I hate when people give up.