[first lines] Patrick Kenzie: I always believed it was the things you don't choose that makes you who you are. Your city, your neighborhood, your family. People here take pride in these things, like it was something they'd accomplished. The bodies ar...
[evaluating a site for their business] Dr. Peter Venkman: What do you think, Egon? Dr. Egon Spengler: I think this building should be condemned. There's serious metal fatigue in all the load-bearing members, the wiring is substandard, it's completely...
Commodus: And now they love Maximus for his mercy. So I can't just kill him, or it makes me even more unmerciful! The whole thing's like some crazed nightmare. Falco: He is defying you. His every victory is an act of defiance. The mob sees this, and ...
Mikey: [to One-Eyed Willie] Hi Willie. Oh, I'm Mike Walsh. You've been expecting me, haven't you? Well I made it. I beat you. I got here in one piece... so far. [lifts up Willie's patch] Mikey: So... that's why they call you One-Eyed Willie... One-Ey...
Williamson: How do you know I made it up? Shelley Levene: Say what? Williamson: How do you know I made it up? Shelley Levene: Wha... what are you talking about? Williamson: I told the customer his contract went to the bank. Shelley Levene: It didn't?...
Andrew Largeman: I think we've corrupted this innocent girl enough for one day! Sam: I'm not innocent. Andrew Largeman: Yes, you are! That's what I like about you, okay? And I don't want this guy taking you to some sketchy quarry in the middle of New...
Henrik Vanger: I apologize if you've been having financial problems at the magazine due to Mikael's absence. Erika Berger: We'll work through them. Henrik Vanger: Are you sure? Martin Vanger: How long do you think you can hang on? Six months? Erika B...
Boss Tweed: You killed an elected official? Bill: Who elected him? Boss Tweed: You don't know what you've done to yourself. Bill: [taps his glass eye with a knife] I know your works. You are neither cold nor hot. So because you are lukewarm, I will s...
Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody: Potter, you're underage. Which means you still have the trace on you. Harry Potter: What's the trace? Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody: If you sneeze, the Ministry will know who wipes your nose. Point is we'll have to use those means ...
Professor Lupin: Come in. Now, I haven't the faintest idea Harry how this map came to be in your possession, quite frankly I am astounded that you didn't hand it in. Did it never occur to you that this in the hands of Sirius Black is a map to you? Ha...
Stoick: [as Hiccup tries to sneak past] Hiccup. Hiccup: Dad! Uh, I have to talk to you, Dad. Stoick: I need to speak with you too, son. [They both take deep breaths, then both speak at once] Stoick: I think it's time you learned to fight dragons. Hic...
Sheriff Leigh Brackett: I have a feeling that you're way off on this. Dr. Sam Loomis: You have the wrong feeling. Sheriff Leigh Brackett: You're not doing very much to prove me wrong! Dr. Sam Loomis: What more do you need? Sheriff Leigh Brackett: Wel...
[the Shape is lurking by a bush on the sidewalk] Laurie: Annie, look! Annie Brackett: Look where? I don't see anything. Laurie: That guy who passed us in the car before, the one you yelled at! Annie Brackett: Subtle, isn't he? [marches over to the bu...
Thorin Oakenshield: [on his father, Thrain] You're like the others. You think he's dead. Gandalf: I was not at the Battle of Moria... Thorin Oakenshield: No. I was. [flashback to the Battle of Moria; Thorin sees Azog decapitate King Thror and throw h...
Ip Man: Let's talk. Will you release my pupil first? Cheng Wai-Kei: Release him! Ip Man: Leung, are you all right? Wong Shun Leung: I'm fine. Ip Man: Why did you injure him? Wong Shun Leung: He wanted to fight, but wasn't as good as me. I couldn't re...
Butler: [Answering door] Yes? Indiana Jones: [In Scottish accent] Not before time! did you intend to leave us standing on the doorstep all day? we're drenched [sneezes in butler's face] Indiana Jones: Now look, I've gone and caught a sniffle Butler: ...
Tony Stark: Am I making you uncomfortable? Virginia 'Pepper' Potts: Oh, no, I always forget to wear deodorant and dance with my boss in a room full of people I work with in a dress with no back. Tony Stark: Well, you look great, you smell great. But ...
Peter Warne: You know, I had you pegged right from the jump. Just a spoiled brat of a rich father. The only way you get anything is to buy it, isn't it? You're in a jam and all you can think of is your money. It never fails, does it? Ever hear of the...
Tobacco Lawyer: Dr. Wigand, I am instructing you not to answer that question in accordance to the terms of the contractual obligations undertaken by you not to disclose any information about your work at the Brown and Williamson tobacco company, and ...
[Brody sees his son sitting in a small skiff, and yells for him to get out of it] Ellen Brody: Martin, it's his birthday tomorrow! Brody: I don't want him out on the water! Ellen Brody: He is not out on the water, he is in a boat! He's not going to g...
Anjali Khanna: Dear God, how are you? Please keep Papa happy, and see that he doesn't miss me too much. You know he can't do anything without me. Please, huh? Okay. Anjali Sharma: Caught you. Anjali Khanna: Oh, Ms. Anjali. Hi. Anjali Sharma: Hmm. All...