Love is a gift. Passion is a curse
We don't heal in isolation, but in community.
Il genio è un africano che vede in sogno la neve.
There's no hurt so great that love can't heal it.
Kejujuran tak selamanya melegakan. Adakalanya kejujuran jauh lebih menyedihkan dan mengerikan dari kebohongan
Do not despise your gift. We are all valuable.
The greatest blessing is the gift of life.
The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.
Remember, a book is always a gift.
It's important to be grateful for the gifts we have
Many an injustice is presented as solution and gift.
You’re a mystery the way a sacrament is a mystery.
If you can give your child only one gift, let it be enthusiasm.
The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.
I thought I was God's gift to mankind and the greatest Irishman since George Best.
I know very little about acting. I'm just an incredibly gifted faker.
Time and attention are the most precious gifts we can give.
I'm an actor. That's what I'm gifted at. It's what makes me breathe.
So I show appreciation for the little gifts that have been handed to me.
The easiest gift to give my husband is anything to do with airlines and flying.
Today is a gift. Today is all I have. I will be fully awake in today.