Beckett's 'Stories and Texts for Nothing' is probably my favorite book.
Unless the story line carries the scenes, the scenes don't really mean anything.
I began writing fictional stories and little screenplays when I was in fifth grade.
Power consists to a large extent in deciding what stories will be told.
I don't like to watch myself. I can't get into the story; I'm too critical.
The reason for evil in the world is that people are not able to tell their stories.
Political stories in general are tough. They just don't appeal to as wide an audience.
Disorder, disobedience & rule breaking are features of all my stories.
Christmas is not a story birthed of a humanized god for it simply doesn’t fit into the rubric of such an emaciated plot.
You can watch any episode you want and have a compelling story being told.
'Blue Nights' is a story of loss: simple, wrenching, inconsolable loss.
The still must tease with the promise of a story the viewer of it itches to be told.
I don't ever want anything to come in the way of me truthfully telling a story.
Every life is a story make your life a best seller.
As a writer, my only responsibility is to tell a compelling story.
I do see myself as someone who has a lot of story ideas.
the lost sense that we play out our lives as part of a greater story
I think film, to me, as a director, is about telling a story.
There is no such thing as a person that nothing has happened to, and each person's story is as different as his fingertips.
The stories you believe to be true are the ones your life will become.
Your current circumstances are part of your redemption story He is writing.