I'm enjoying getting to know me, one lesson at a time.
If I'm not doing anything, I get really antsy and bored.
I get attached to things: I wear the same jeans for a year.
Working gets in the way of living.
There's a lot for screenwriters to steal from songwriters, in terms of getting to the point.
It's always an interesting sort of adventures that gets someone into a movie.
I like to get to bed with a clear head.
You mess with my demons….you get the devil!
We want a country. and we will get it, our country.
The most you get is what you ask for.
I always get very calm with baseball.
You can't get much whiter than me.
Get out of failure-o-phobia to enjoy success-o-mania.
If I'm not going to get a part, tell me why.
It was not easy to get all my questions answered, frankly.
Like getting into a bleeding competition with a blood bank.
If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done.
We are always getting ready to live but never living.
How can you get tired of playing golf?
I don't mind getting beaten, but I hate to lose.
I do a happy dance even when I get a guest-star role.