Every time I start the next movie, it's as exciting as the first time.
In 1979, Alien came out and Sigourney was in it with a bunch a guys. Nobody at that time expected the woman to be the hero, so that was a tradition that started.
For a long time, I have been inclined to start a school for the talented children.
I have this sense that I didn't really start growing up until my twenties.
Eating well was something I learned as I started to be successful and had to travel and perform concerts, which are an intense cardio workout.
I have legs of iron, but to tell you the truth, they're starting to rust and buckle a bit.
Frances: [at a French cinema] Hello. When did "Puss in Boots" start?
Keith: I've never lied in this far, and I'm not gonna start now.
Evan: I'd give my middle nut to start dating Becca.
Irene: Don't say that, Raimunda, or I'll start crying. And ghosts don't cry.
The Bolsheviks started not just on the killing of private property; they were trying to abolish money itself.
'Election' made zero money at the box office, but it started my career.
I started FUBU in 1989 but ran out of money three times and closed it down.
It was a precondition to leaving Facebook that I wasn't going to start something that was just about chasing money.
I started dressing vintage when I was a teenager because I didn't have money for designer clothes.
Turn off the TV and start digging around for information that's not from a corporation trying to make money.
I always wanted to start a public company and make a lot of money.
My interests started about in science and in mathematics; I always thought I was going to be a mathematician.
Melancholy and sadness are the start of doubt... doubt is the beginning of despair; despair is the cruel beginning of the differing degrees of wickedness.
I walked away from the sport for 17 years, then started swimming again recently in a master's program.
Running gave me a focus to start looking after myself, to eat properly, and focus on building up my strength.