An hour's terror is better than a lifetime of timidity.
If you name things, then you treat them better.
Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all.
After all, is not a real Hell better than a manufactured Heaven?
You're still in prison if you do nothing better in freedom.
Some secrets are better left at that -as secrets.
Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
Better a live dog than a dead lion.
The book's always better than the movie.
My path is not a better path, it is simply a different path.
It is better to be a well-rounded Christian than a stoic, hypocrite.
I aspired to be the better me of my future.
Better ignore it than halfheartedly listen!
Life will never be the same again. Life will be better.
They weren't true stories; they were better than that.
It's history as it should have happened. It's history made better.
Memories, even bittersweet ones, are better than nothing.
Strange dreams are better than no dreams at all.
Is it better to go with the flow or let the flow go?
All I want is to sleep--to dream. Life is better in dreams.
Sex, like business, is better with multiple partners.