A fictional Dystopia is better than a fake Utopia.
BIG books are better. There, I said it and it's .
I am better at math than spelling.
It is better to be honourable than be honoured.
Well, first I'd want a better vibrato.
Be yourself, but always your better self.
life is better when it is short, healthy and full.
To travel hopefully is better than to have arrived.
Development is better than Girl-friend
The simpler I keep things, the better I play.
Any way, is better than no way at all.
Knowing your genetic health risks will help you make better decisions.
I hope to become a better teacher. I love teaching.
High-quality food is better for your health.
Connectivity enables transparency for better government, education, and health.
Certain remakes are great. Carpenter's The Thing is better than the original.
For a comedian, there is nothing better than watching another great comedian.
It's good to trust others but, not to do so is much better.
It takes a mighty good man to be better than no man at all.
Note, that yeast of good Beer, is better then that of Ale.
I still worry that I could be better. That's where standards come from, from not wanting to settle. The fear of not being good enough propels you.