The benefits you get become the debts you owe to others.
A dog that barks all the time gets little attention.
Every book must be chewed to get out its juice.
He who rides on a tiger can never get off.
One throws up the dust the other gets it in his eye.
You won't get much fat from a dry bone.
Lying will get you a wife, but it won't keep her.
Seamen learn to get to know each other during a storm.
Ask God for what man can give, and you may get it.
Children who get everything they ask for seldom succeed in life.
Only a fool gets drunk from his own bottle.
You never get clean flour from a coal sack.
The absent get further off every day.
Smack a tray of water and you get to wash your face.
If you can't dance well, you'd better not get up.
Wherever you go, you can't get rid of yourself.
If you give orders and leave, the work won't get done.
He who doesn't risk never gets to drink champagne.
The last partridge to rise gets the most sticks thrown at it.
Old love and wood will burn as soon as they get the chance.
He that loves law will soon get his fill of it.