The Austin music scene is the reason why so many of them moved here.
Man is a military animal, glories in gunpowder, and loves parade.
There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right in America.
Do not feel sorry for me if I am gone.
A wise person decides slowly but abides by these decisions.
When Lebanon started its resistance it was a small and divided country.
I see no reason to have my shirts ironed. It's irrational.
The major source of photochemical smog - petroleum-fueled vehicles - can be replaced by emission-free electric vehicles.
I've found that you don't need to wear a necktie if you can hit.
I was proud of the youths who opposed the war in Vietnam because they were my babies.
Greece is not an easy country to do business in.
Don't think of yourself as a woman in business.
Reason and judgment are the qualities of a leader.
Have the government get out of the way.
Hope will never be silent.
The day of individual happiness has passed.
I was not really as good as I should have been.
Keep the faith, keep the faith, keep working.
In a democracy, dissent is an act of faith.
Charity is no substitute for justice withheld.
In law, nothing is certain but the expense.