Shun all vice, especially card playing.
God gets you to the plate, but once your there your on your own.
If you don't think too good, don't think too much.
A good general always makes you search for his weaknesses.
I felt the power of God as I'd never felt it before.
My purpose is to make my narrative as truthful as possible.
I give no more paroles to British officers.
I cannot command winds and weather.
Success teaches us nothing; only failure teaches.
Protecting Afghan civilians is the cornerstone of our mission.
The radical elements in Islam are very dangerous.
Anything that changes your values changes your behavior.
In order to do something you must be something.
The cure for crime is not the electric chair, but the high chair.
By the time you know what to do, you're too old to do it.
Maybe since I was 35 years old it was time to go upstairs.
Today's tactical victory does not guarantee tomorrow's strategic success.
Without winners, there wouldn't even be any civilization.
A man is always better than he thinks.
The most deceptive course in football is straight at the goalposts.
We didn't readjust our thinking or rebuild quick enough.