I think if there's any difference between me and a traditional CEO, it's that I've been unwilling to change myself or shape my personality around what's expected.
An innovation is one of those things that society looks at and says, if we make this part of the way we live and work, it will change the way we live and work.
There's all kind of things going on in the world that I don't like but I can't change. But at least I can say, 'Change the way you eat!'
I have seen how effective language attached to policies that are mainstream and delivered by people who are passionate and effective can change the course of history.
A technical solution may be defined as one that requires a change only in the techniques of the natural sciences, demanding little or nothing in the way of change in human values or ideas of morality.
It's better to get smart than to get mad. I try not to get so insulted that I will not take advantage of an opportunity to persuade people to change their minds.
I can't really change the games I like to make, and I can't change my own particular aesthetic.
Prior to SunRun, I was headed toward a career in venture capital and then realized I wanted to apply my knowledge of finance more directly to helping change the world.
Government has never increased the standard of living of one single human being in civilization's history. For some reason that simple truth has evaded everybody.
I'm a clown, which could be a public health role. I'm really interested in moving our society away from a society needing Xanax and Prozac, and that is really feeling depressed, to one that is celebrating, and so I find just walking around in colorfu...
In everything I write, I'm always striving to hit the right mix of light and darkness, humor and pain, fun and seriousness.
You can get through very serious and sometimes horrible and sometimes embarrassing and very awkward situations with humor. It gives us a way out.
Sudan cannot afford to be on the wrong side of history. The north and south will have to work together, but will they?
I think politics can no longer be assigned to parliamentary activity and it probably never could be. But politics with a small p and the history of trade union movement really interests me.
For systems in which you already have a lot of hardware and software, change is difficult. That's why apps are so popular.
Facebook is at the forefront. It's the company that can fundamentally change the way information is being exchanged and processed. It can be the basis for artificial intelligence to develop over time.
The years I raced in were fantastic. There was so much change in the cars. We went from treaded tyres to no wings right through to slicks to enormous wings.
I have already seen death, and I know that death is supporting me in my cause of education. Death does not want to kill me.
My experience of malaria was just taking anti-malarials, which give you strange dreams, because I don't want to get malaria.
If you always think about your dreams or goals, work steadfastly towards them and continue to challenge yourself, you will definitely be able to realise those dreams or goals.
Education in the past has been too much inspiration and too little information.