I had supported Governor George W. Bush over Senator John McCain in the 2000 Rhode Island presidential primary.
But we should not lose sight of how far we are coming and what a big hole we were left by George W. Bush.
George W. had a plan. He arranged to join the Air National Guard in Texas, which meant he would not be sent to Vietnam.
Certainly I had my preference, and I very much hoped that George W. Bush would be our next president.
Let's be very clear, if you check the F.E.C. records you will see I am supporting George W. Bush.
Obama has succeeded in descending even below George W. Bush in approval in the Arab world. It's minuscule, few percent.
So it allows me to travel, I'll be doing that and running these great rivers and doing what I've done in the past without much purpose other than for the experience.
It's only through Christ that we can take full advantage of God's mercy and forgiveness through repentance in Jesus' name.
The cool thing about being famous is traveling. I have always wanted to travel across seas, like to Canada and stuff.
George W. cares as much about climate change as you would expect from a Texas oilman.
Young men are obsessed with their dads, and they remain obsessed if the dad is not around. Remember that there was a lot of discussion about how George W. Bush might have invaded Iraq to atone for the failures of his dad.
I didn't do very well when I was at school, so my dad gave me the opportunity to travel in Africa. I drove from London to Nairobi. It was incredible.
Convention speeches are powerful tools to bend the curve of public opinion. George H. W. Bush's 1988 convention speech is a great example. His son's speech was also quite powerful.
I think it's important that kids have responsibilities and understand the value of things, but I think it's great I get to travel the world with my daughter.
Modeling, for me, was not fulfilling. I didn't see the point - although I was able to travel a great deal. I lived in Italy, Germany, and Spain, but I wasn't devoted to it.
I never like to talk about my own politics, but whether you're left, right or center, the 2008 race was definitely good drama.
I don't really consider myself to be a personal finance expert compared with some others. There are quite a few that know a lot more than I do.
We get more dangerous as we accumulate knowledge, and that's both a sadness and something to control, try to learn to live with, make terms with.
George W. Bush bought the election - period. End of story. There is no argument. You can try to come up with any argument you can, but there is none.
The damage done to U.S. prestige by the feckless, buffoonish George W. Bush will take years to repair.
It's one thing to earnestly try but fail to bring the two sides together. Though Democrats will deny it, that was the case with George W. Bush.