The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not.
Because 'Call The Midwife' is a gentle drama, not a documentary, it's not appropriate to portray Sister Monica Joan's condition in all its brutal reality.
Let happiness bloom In the freshness of your mind, In the gentle wind of your thoughts. On the ground of kindness and compassion.
Peace is a blue sky With gentle and kind breeze Filled with love and joy Which we can dwell and share.
all day long, one storm then another—and I take your hands like gentle flowers that blossom into awareness
I think the first time I was ever really conscious of the difference between people's voices was that my mother's voice was so soft and gentle and her pronunciation was so perfect.
I am clumsy, a late and nervous driver, and despise all sports except a little gentle dancing or yoga.
Isn't it strange that its easier to be gentle with the feelings of people we care less about than those of our children, whom we love so much?
Never say war insane at the moment for you to embrace those gentle heroes you left behind.
In life; not all questions require gentle answers, some just want you to be so stupid to answer in a stupid way.
You cannot do more than you can, so be gentle with yourself and quick to forgive your mistakes and to move on.
When you secretly love someone it makes you an amazingly gentle and loving human being.
When many voices are speaking at once, listen to the one most quiet and gentle. That’s the one worth listening to. ~ Miranda* ~
Do not go gentle into that good night, rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Society tried to teach me that children are by nature selfish, out-of-control, and demanding, that their goal is power and that they are always trying to see how much they can get away with, that you can't let children manipulate you or become too de...
I played God today And it was fun! I made animals that men had never seen So they would stop and scratch their heads Instead of scowling. I made words that men had never heard So they would stop and stare at me Instead of running. And I made love tha...
There is one secret is beautiful and peaceful, where gentle water flows, and most beautiful garden grows, yet, nobody could ever go to... You reach deep within my soul drawing out all the dreams that I hid beneath the doubt for long castin...
At last he reached out and with a gentle hand, closed Valentine’s eyes. " , Shadowhunter," he said.
In the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit.
His calm and gentle tone was like an anchor in a ferocious sea, keeping me from drifting into a current of heartache.
...with you, I find peace from pain - You are gentle and healing like the landscape—like rain...