Man has no Body distinct from his Soul; for that called Body is a portion of Soul discerned by the five Senses, the chief inlets of Soul in this age.
The fact that the apes exist and that we can study them is extremely important and makes us reflect on ourselves and our human nature. In that sense alone, you need to protect the apes.
When anything goes digital, let alone something as immaterial as a book, there is a tendency to see it as just in the air to be taken, and to lose the sense that somebody once made it.
I learned why 'out riding alone' is an oxymoron: An equestrian is never alone, is always sensing the other being, the mysterious but also understandable living being that is the horse.
I may be alone in this, but I do sense the power of film, in that movies have the ability to literally change people's minds. That's pretty powerful stuff when you consider that.
I alone of English writers have consciously set myself to make music out of what I may call the sound of sense.
Observe, record, tabulate, communicate. Use your five senses. Learn to see, learn to hear, learn to feel, learn to smell, and know that by practice alone you can become expert.
The paradox of Steve Jobs's career is that he had no interest in listening to consumers - he was famously dismissive of market research - yet nonetheless had an amazing sense of what consumers actually wanted.
My dad was a journalist. He was in Rwanda right after the genocide. In Berlin when the wall came down. He was always disappearing and coming back with amazing stories. So telling stories for a living made sense to me.
Bosnia is under my skin. It's the place you cannot leave behind. I was obsessed by the nightmare of it all; there was this sense of guilt, and an anger that has become something much deeper over these last years.
I have a strong sense that every project is an invention, which is not a word I hear being used in architecture courses.
I love history. I love art. I like to mix it all together, but in the end it somehow has to all make sense.
A primary function of art and thought is to liberate the individual from the tyranny of his culture in the environmental sense and to permit him to stand beyond it in an autonomy of perception and judgment.
In its most limited sense, modern, art would seem to concern itself only with the technical innovations of the period.
I've come to believe in the primacy of form - the notion of art seducing you through your senses, through your eyeballs.
You say a new era in art is preparing; you sensed it coming; continue your studies without weakening. God will do the rest.
How do you make any sense of history, art or literature without knowing the stories and iconography of your own culture and all the world's main religions?
I inherited my sense of passion and romance from the Romans. Specifically Nero and all the fire he possessed.
leave me. And it was a great sense of relief. The
Crazy people. They never think they're crazy. Their craziness makes perfect sense to them.
His (Lincoln's) patriotism was saved from idolatry by the overwhelming sense of the sovereignty of God.