Probably it is impossible for humor to be ever a revolutionary weapon. Candide can do little more than generate irony.
Providence conceals itself in the details of human affairs, but becomes unveiled in the generalities of history.
In Thailand's history there have been dissensions from time to time, but in general, unity has prevailed.
Luck, like a Russian car, generally only works if you push it.
My dad named me after Hannibal Barca, the Carthaginian general who attacked Rome. But nobody knows about him.
Generally speaking, the Way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death.
The complaint of bad pay, and difficulty in obtaining it, is almost generally reiterated through every department of education.
If we create a generation of men who aren't getting an education, that's bad for women.
The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free government.
I'm a great believer in karma, and the vengeance that it serves up to those who are deliberately mean is generally enough for me.
Luck is of little moment to the great general, for it is under the control of his intellect and his judgment.
I'm not a great fan of monarchy in general, but I have to say the Danish monarchy is closer to the people; it's not as stuffy as the English one.
I really have the good fortune that the actors who work with me on 'The Leftovers' are thoughtful, hard working, open people and generous people.
Good teaching is creating really interesting generalizations out of war stories.
I think musicians are always very generous in promoting anything good they hear. It's just kind of in our nature.
Hope is generally a wrong guide, though it is good company along the way.
I like to dress for my shape - I think it's important for women to do that generally - it makes me feel good.
As a teacher, as a propagandist, Mr. Shaw is no good at all, even in his own generation. But as a personality, he is immortal.
There are always at least five good films at the end of the year to get nominated, but generally speaking nowadays, it's more of the independent films that are recognized.
Knowledge is generally considered a good thing; so, presumably, knowing more about how the U.S. thinks and operates around the world is also good.
Lord of the Rings is a good thing for us because it opened the door for the genre in general. Le Guin's stories are very different from Lord of the Rings.